April 25th 2021 RESTORATIV WEEKLY: Good News from the world of RJ

Apologies for the delay in our weekly update but COVID issues

hit Restorativ marketing...BUT we are back now.

We like to share good news from the world of RJ and here are three stories that caught our attention this week:

1.  What does Restorative Justice look like in space!


2.  San Francisco Receives $6 Million to Promote Victim Healing and Restorative Justice Practices

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – District Attorney Chesa Boudin announced this week the city of San Francisco was awarded with $6 million to promote accountability and victim healing, and to participate in more restorative justice practices.

This announcement comes in the middle of Crime Victims’ Rights Week, and this is one of several investments that have been recently awarded to the city focused on healing and restorative justice.

Restorative justice uses a victim-centered approach when responding to crimes. The goal of the approach is to actively address the victim that was harmed while also holding the wrongdoer accountable. This approach is highly encouraged and used in the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office when the victim chooses to pursue it.

3.  Drunk driving crash victim makes case for restorative justice to honor husband's death

SAN FRANFRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- A wife's tribute to their husband Tuesday came in the form of a call for leniency and restorative justice.

One rainy night on Highway 99 changed Jen Ramos' life so drastically, the mathematically-minded writer still can't calculate or describe it.

"There are no words to kind of convey the physical, mental, and emotional trauma that I'm going through and will continue to go through," they said.
Ramos suffered major injuries and is still in pain even after a series of surgeries over the last 17 months.

But when it came time for a judge to sentence the drunk driver who did it to them, Ramos was more focused on their husband.

Twenty-eight-year-old Josh Eisen was a policy analyst who wanted to make the world a better, more caring place.

Ramos said he believed the criminal justice system is flawed and often too punitive instead of rehabilitating people and restoring them to productive positions in society.

"Restorative justice is something that is useful in a lot of situations, especially if someone is willing to be held accountable and take responsibility for his actions, which the defendant did do and that's what he said in his own statement," they said.


