
JusticeTech: creating a new technology category

We are excited to be a founding partner of a new initiative to create a technology approach to criminal and social justice technology:


Restorative Justice, culture and technology

Restorative Justice (RJ) is a powerful approach to addressing harm and fostering healing, but its effectiveness is deeply influenced by culture, context and the


Digital case management in Restorative Justice

In the evolving landscape of restorative justice, technology is playing an increasingly crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of RJ


Embracing restorative justice (and technology) could be just what the ECB needs

There is a need for Restorative Justice in cricket. Hopefully that is not a question and it should not be debated! The Independent Commission for Equity in


The psychological effects of Restorative Justice

Restorative justice (RJ) is a transformative approach prioritizing healing and rehabilitation over punishment. Its psychological effects on both victims and


Restorative facilitators and technology

In the world of restorative justice, facilitators hold a pivotal role, acting as the linchpins that connect the conflicting parties and guide them


A restorative justice story: Donald Fields Jr.

We recently read the new Gaurdian article Faced with a violent killing, a family chooses forgiveness over prison by Oliver Laughland and found


Restorative Mentoring: evidence and implications

In a world where conflict and trauma can deeply affect individuals, restorative mentoring (RM) emerges as a beacon of hope. This innovative approach


Making next generation technology affordable for all

We at Restorativ want our technology to be affordable and accessible for everyone. We truly believe our product does good and we want anyone to be able


Restorative Mediation: the evidence

Restorative mediation represents a shift in how we approach conflict resolution. Unlike the traditional punitive system that focuses on punishment and