Restorative Justice assessments and tools for better results

Chris Twyman

Chris Twyman·– 03/02/2021 7:54am

We live in a world where technology is widely used to introduce us to others and start the process of building relationships. There are many applications that will introduce us to potential romances, employers and nannies for our children. This is the "fun end" of the online relationship brokering business, but what happens when relationships break because someone has done something wrong? Can technology restore some balance? Can it bring restorative justice?

The answer is yes!

Dating apps and Job boards use sophisticated algorithms to find as close to the perfect match between people, in one case and between employers and employees in the other. Technology does not take the human interaction out of the relationship transaction. It provides two crucial benefits; Assessment and Tools to help the users find their perfect match. If a relationship has been broken, then it stands to reason that Assessments and Tools should help us restore that relationship (along with the human interaction needed).

In a Restorative Justice (RJ) Circle the ability to assess the Responsible Party's level of remorse, their empathetic ability, their understanding of what has happened and the impact on the Affected Party would significantly enhance the road to restoration. Technology can provide this capability in a structured and consumable way with the benefit that it can learn as it accumulates more data. Just like the dating app algorithms an RJ assessment before the circle has even started will give the Circle Leaders and Facilitators insights into the best tools to use for maximum benefit.

In the job board realm once a resume has been assessed the employer and candidate can be given appropriate tools to help them deal with the interview stage and job offer, etc. These tools are customized based on the resume and job match assessment. In that same vein in an RJ process once the circle has started the team can use the Responsible Party's assessment to provide him/her with the best tools to realize the restorative process. Again the recommended tools will be customized based on the needs of each circle to maximize the benefits.

Technology has revolutionized industries that ignite relationships.

Lets put those same practices to use to rebuild relationships when they fail.

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